Vitor Hugo Augusto Rodrigues 3er Trimestre

DARPA busca crear máquinas autodidactas

DARPA por sus siglas en inglés (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) o en español la Agencia de Defensa para Proyectos Avanzados del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, ha hecho un “llamado a armas” a miles de programadores para crear lo que se podría denominar como computadoras autodidactas. El ser humano si realiza una tarea muchas veces, aprende y comienza a hacerla mejor, con las computadoras no sucede lo mismo, siempre realizan la tarea de la misma manera sin importar que la hayan hecho un millón de veces.
Y justo eso es lo que quiere cambiar DARPA, por eso ha iniciado este proyecto que comenzará con una especie de seminario donde se hará una lluvia de ideas masiva entre miles de programadores para determinar cual sería el mejor camino a seguir para crear computadoras que funcionen completamente distinto a lo que conocemos, con códigos de programación totalmente diferentes. Después de este seminario comenzará un periodo de 46 meses, en el que todos se mantendrán en contacto para ir desarrollando esta tecnología.
Si el proyecto resulta exitoso, en menos de 4 años podrían empezar a aparecer este tipo de computadoras en muchos ámbitos, las aplicaciones son infinitas: sistemas autónomos, robots, reconocimiento de voz y rostros, filtros exactos de SPAM, autos conduciéndose solos, maquinas que se auto reparan o que se construyen solas, en fin, puedes ver la película de terminator para darte una idea de lo que podría suceder con maquinas autodidactas. Ya veremos que sale de todo esto. Ustedes qué opinan?


Esta noticia la podemos contextualizar en el ámbito de la electrónica , en esta noticia podemos ver un claro proyecto de futuro , vemos que se esta investigando sobre la autonomía de los ordenadores, desde mi punto de vista seria un gran avance ya que las diversas actividades realizadas ahora por personas podrían ser desarrolladas por máquinas que aprendiesen solas y se pudieran auto reparar , y así podría realizar estas actividades de manera más eficiente y rápida.

Exoesqueletos: Ironman reales

El cuerpo humano funciona de manera sorprendente, es una “maquina” sumamente eficiente y hasta el momento ningún robot ha logrado superarlo o si quiera imitarlo decentemente, sin embargo tiene limitaciones y es ahí donde la robótica puede ayudarnos. Tal como la película de Ironman donde un traje robótica dota de super poderes a su portador, de la misma manera los exoesqueletos buscan ayudarnos a superar las limitaciones naturales del cuerpo humano.
Estamos hablando de la capacidad de cargar objetos extremadamente pesados, incrementar nuestra velocidad y resistencia, entre muchas otras cosas. Las aplicaciones para los exoesqueletos son innumerables, desde la industria militar, hasta la medica, pasando por el sector comercial e incluso entretenimiento.
Esta tecnología esta aun en sus inicios, sin embargo ya hay muchas compañías trabajando arduamente para mejorarlos, incluso algunas de ellas ya venden modelos comerciales, aunque más que parecerse al traje de ironman actualmente se parecen más a esto:
Básicamente, se trata de un traje similar a un esqueleto robótica, donde una persona se mete para controlarlo, con diversos sensores detecta cuando la persona desea mover alguna extremidad y simula exactamente el mismo movimiento, como pasa con la mayoría de la tecnología, se comienza desarrollando con fines militares y luego pasa a muchas otras aplicaciones, estos trajes permitirán a los soldados llevar armamento más pesado, avanzar largas distancias, llevar más suministros, andar sobre cualquier terreno, incluso resistir impactos de bala. Con aplicación médicas también ya se están usando para ayudar a la rehabilitación de pacientes, o incluso devolver la movilidad a personas de avanzada edad.


Como podemos ver esta noticia también se centra en el ámbito electrónico , el tema de esta noticia son los exoesqueletos y sus aplicaciones, en la noticia se ve como esta idea surge con fines militares , pero que también tiene fines médicos .Desde mi punto de vista estos exoesqueletos podrían ayudar a muchas personas que le falta movilidad o ayudar al ser humano a subir a un nivel superior donde podríamos resistir grandes daños.

Una lengua electrónica detecta explosivos

Un equipo del Centro de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico (UPV-UV) en Valencia ha desarrollado un dispositivo para detectar y cuantificar la presencia de TNT en suelos y disoluciones. El dispositivo se podría aplicar para otros explosivos en el futuro.

SINC- Investigadores del Centro de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico (IDM), unidad mixta de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) y la Universidad de Valencia, han diseñado un nuevo sistema de lengua electrónica para la detección de explosivos en disoluciones o suelos contaminados. El trabajo ha sido publicado en la revista Sensors and Actuators.
El sistema, en fase de laboratorio, ha sido desarrollado para la detección y la cuantificación de trinitrotolueno (TNT) aunque en un futuro podría aplicarse para otros explosivos. Según las primeras pruebas llevadas a cabo en el laboratorio, permitiría detectar bajas concentraciones de TNT, del orden 0,2 miligramos por litro.
La lengua electrónica es un instrumento que intenta reproducir de forma artificial el sentido del sabor. En este caso, se compone de diferentes electrodos fabricados con materiales como el platino, oro, cobre, plata, cobalto o níquel, entre otros y un software de visualización y análisis de los resultados obtenidos en la medición.
Su tiempo de respuesta actualmente es de minutos, pero una vez se integre todo el sistema se podrá reducir a unos pocos segundos”, apunta Eduardo García Breijo, miembro del IDM en la UPV.
Respecto a otros equipos de detección existentes en el mercado, los investigadores señalan que la principal diferencia de su sistema reside en el método de medida y la integración del procesado de señal en dispositivos 'microprogramables'.
Actualmente, están trabajando en la integración de los algoritmos de procesados de datos en sistemas microcontroladores para conseguir un equipo de medición portátil.
Además de en explosivos, el equipo investiga la aplicación de esta tecnología en “la detección de armas químicas o drogas, el control de calidad de los alimentos, diagnosis no invasiva –como respiración, análisis de orina, sudor u olor– o monitorización de la polución de aire y agua en la agricultura o industria”, según señala Ramón Martínez Máñez, director del IDM.


Podemos contextualizar esta noticia en el ámbito electrónico, el tema de esta noticia es el desarrollo de un dispositivo que es capaz de detectar la TNT. Desde mi punto de vista es un proyecto muy interesante ya que facilitaría el trabajo de las personas encargadas de desactivar los explosivos y así ayudarles a hacer su trabajo con mayor efectividad , pero tambien ayudaria en la agricultura o la industria.

Descubren las propiedades del grafeno para convertir la luz en electricidad

Una investigación del Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas (ICFO) de Barcelona ha descubierto una nueva propiedad del grafeno: su gran eficiencia en convertir la energía de la luz en electrones y por tanto en corriente eléctrica, lo que supone una revolución en el campo de la energía fotovoltaica.

Los científicos del ICFO, un centro dependiente de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) que tiene su sede en Castelldefels (Barcelona), consideran que este hallazgo supondrá una revolución en el campo de la tecnología y la energía solar durante este siglo, comparable a lo supuso la fabricación del plástico en el siglo XX.
La investigación del ICFO, que ha publicado la revista Nature Physics y en la que ha colaborado el Massachussets Institute of Techology de Estados Unidos, el Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research de Alemania y Graphenea S.L. de San Sebastián, ha demostrado que el grafeno es capaz de convertir un fotón absorbido en múltiples electrones que pueden conducir corriente eléctrica (electrones excitados).
Este prometedor descubrimiento convierte el grafeno, una sustancia formada por carbono puro, en una importante alternativa para la tecnología de energía solar, actualmente basada en semiconductores convencionales como el silicio.
"En la mayoría de los materiales, un fotón absorbido genera un solo electrón, pero en el caso del grafeno hemos visto que un fotón absorbido es capaz de producir muchos electrones excitados, y por lo tanto una señal eléctrica mayor", ha explicado Frank Koppens, líder del grupo de la investigación en ICFO.
Según Koppens, esta característica hace del grafeno el material ideal para la construcción de cualquier dispositivo que quiera convertir la luz en electricidad. En particular, permite la producción de potenciales células solares y detectores de luz que absorban la energía del sol con pérdidas mucho menores.
El experimento ha consistido en mandar un número conocido de fotones a diferentes energías sobre una capa fina de grafeno. "Hemos visto que los fotones de alta energía (por ejemplo, los de color violeta) inducen un mayor número de electrones excitados que los fotones de baja energía (por ejemplo, los infrarrojos)", ha explicado Klass-Jan Tielrooij, investigador del ICFO que ha realizado el experimento.
"En ambos casos siempre era igual o superior al número de fotones mandado. Esta relación nos muestra que el grafeno convierte la luz en electricidad con una eficiencia muy alta. Hasta ahora se especulaba que el grafeno tenía un gran potencial para convertir luz en electricidad, pero ahora hemos visto que es incluso mejor de lo esperado", ha añadido.

Comentario :

El tema de esta noticia es el descubrimiento de la propiedad del grafeno para convertir la luz en la electricidad , esto ha sido descubierto por el Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas de Barcelona. Desde mi punto de vista creo que es un descubrimiento muy importante ya que nos ayudaría a aprovechar mejor la energía solar y así tener un medio ambiente mas sostenible gracias a esta energía renovable.

Objetos que pueden ser “invisibles”

Especialistas e ingenieros de Estados Unidos consiguieron obtener meta materiales que modifican el comportamiento de la luz visible. Los avances en este campo permitirían abrir nuevas vías para lograr capas de invisibilidad y microscopios de alta resolución.
Como se sabe, los materiales presentes en la naturaleza poseen un alto índice de refracción positivo (se determina por la relación entre la velocidad de la luz en el vacío y la velocidad de una longitud de onda determinada en una sustancia), pero ahora los científicos han podido crear materiales de índice de refracción negativo capaces de desviar la trayectoria de la luz, de forma tal que puedan “desaparecer” a la vista.
Estas propiedades podrían contribuir a mejorar sensores, láseres a pequeña escala, cámaras digitales y sistemas de diagnostico por imágenes, como así también, desarrollar nuevos microscopios de alta resolución que permitan detectar cadenas de ADN.
Las propiedades de materiales naturales dependen de la química de los elementos constitutivos, a diferencia de los meta materiales que obtienen sus propiedades de la geometría de átomos artificiales.


Esta noticia trata del invento de unos científicos que consiste en la creación de materiales con un indice de refracción negativo para que sean capaces de ser invisibles al ojo. Las aplicaciones de este descubrimiento es ayudar a mejorar sensores y microscopios de alta resolución. Desde mi punto de vista seria un gran avance en la investigación científica.

The micro chip that will save your memory: Scientists set to implant device to preserve experiences into BRAINS

A group of U.S. researchers believe that a microchip that will help create memories in damaged brains could be implanted into human volunteers in the next two years.
The scientists from the University of Southern California, Wake Forest University, and others, have been looking into the hippocampus - the part of the brain that is vital in forming long-term memories - for around a decade.
They believe that they have worked out how memories are made, enabling the production of an implant that could aid people with localized brain injuries, stroke victims and, ultimately, Alzheimer's.

Implant: This brain device is used to treat paralysis but a team of researchers believe they might soon be able to produce an implant that helps create memories
As reported by CNN, the researchers have already experimented on rat and monkey brains, proving that brain messages can be replicated by electrical signals from a silicon chip.
The scientists admit that electronics work is needed to create a device but are buoyed by an increasing acceptance of electrode implants in humans for treating conditions like epilepsy.

The group is excited by their discoveries and think that a memory device that could reproduce memory processes will be available to patients in five to ten years.
Professor Ted Berger, a neuroscientist and biomedical engineer at the University of Southern California, told MIT Technology Review: 'We're not putting individual memories back into the brain. We're putting in the capacity to generate memories.'

Vital component: The scientists have been looking into the hippocampus - the part of the brain that is vital in forming long-term memories (in red) - for around a decade
Berger said to CNN: 'I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime. I might not benefit from it myself but my kids will.'
Rob Hampson, a physiology and pharmacology professor at Wake Forest University, added. 'We keep pushing forward, every time I put an estimate on it, it gets shorter and shorter.'
The researchers have focused on the hippocampus, which sits deep inside the brain and consolidates information from short-term memory to long-term memory.
They hope that a future implant could copy the brain's neuron messages with signals from an electrical chip.

Memory map: In a separate study at Stanford University, scientists created a transparent animation of the hippocampus of mouse
Hampson told CNN: 'We support and reinforce the signal in the hippocampus but we are moving forward with the idea that if you can study enough of the inputs and outputs to replace the function of the hippocampus, you can bypass the hippocampus.'
It's hoped that a device would help patients whose brain activity has been disrupted through localized injury or a stroke.
The ultimate goal would be treat people suffering from Alzheimer's, but this would require more research as that disease affects multiple parts of the brain.


The topic of this news is the development of a microchip that could be implanted in the brain to guard our memory. From my point of view this microchip would be a great advance in the medicine to help persons with alzheimer since this way they would not lose the memory.

How Mail On Sunday 'printed' first plastic gun in UK using a 3D printer- and then took it on board Eurostar without being stopped in security scandal

The Mail On Sunday today exposes the massive international security risk posed by a gun that can be easily made with new 3D printers.
We built the weapon, which is capable of firing a live round, from blueprints available on the internet – then smuggled it on to a packed Eurostar train.
Two reporters passed completely unchallenged through strict airport-style security to carry the gun on to a London to Paris service in the weekend rush-hour, alongside hundreds of unsuspecting travellers.

Reporter Simon Murphy carried the plastic gun on to a London to Paris service in the weekend rush-hour

Once on board the packed 5.31pm Eurostar train on Friday, the reporters were able to assemble the pieces to create a fully functional firearm, and pose for pictures close to unsuspecting passengers
The pistol, capable of firing a deadly 0.38-calibre bullet, was produced in under 36 hours using a revolutionary £1,700 machine to ‘print’ its components. And because all the parts are plastic, they did not trigger the metal detectors all Euro-star passengers must pass through.
Last night, the train operator began an urgent investigation into the security breach as experts called for airports and public buildings to review their procedures in light of our revelations.
The Mail on Sunday pieced together the 16-part pistol – called The Liberator by its creators – after downloading the designs. They were originally published by an American university student, who proved the design works by successfully firing a bullet on a shooting range.

The blueprints have since been downloaded more than 100,000 times and are now widely available, despite attempts to remove them.
Made entirely of plastic except for a small firing pin and ammunition, the gun presents a huge problem for security services around the world, as it can be broken down into parts that do not set off metal detectors and may not show up on conventional body and bag scanning devices.
To test the procedures at St Pancras International Station, the gun produced by the MoS was split into three pieces and concealed in the clothing of two reporters who bought standard class tickets to Paris.

We then walked through the usual security procedures, manned by UK Border officials. We placed our luggage and metal objects, including loose change and watches, in plastic trays which were then passed through airport scanners. But although we were carrying parts of a potentially deadly weapon, we were able to walk through a metal detector without triggering the alarm.
While some passengers were patted down by security guards, we proceeded unchallenged to passport control, manned by French police.
Once on board the packed 5.31pm Eurostar train on Friday, we were able to assemble the pieces to create a fully functional firearm in just 30 seconds, and pose for pictures close to unsuspecting passengers.
We did not attempt to smuggle the firing pin or bullet for safety and legal reasons, but small metal items could be easily concealed.

Last night, security experts and politicians said they were horrified at the implications of our investigation. Lord West, the former Labour security Minister, called for a review to see how the ‘extremely dangerous’ weapons could be better detected.
But he said he was ‘not surprised’ that Eurostar checks had failed to spot the weapon because they were so hard to detect. He said: ‘What we need is a review of how we can look at these things and how we can discover them more easily. That will take work and it will cost money.
These weapons are extremely dangerous because they are very difficult to detect with the methods we normally use. This is going to be a real problem, no doubt about it. People are going to have to rethink whether we need more checks.’
A Eurostar spokeswoman said last night: ‘Eurostar has a high level of security, with a number of checks as specified by the authorities in order to protect the integrity of the Channel Tunnel. We take any issue relating to security very seriously. We will be investigating immediately to fully understand the nature of this issue with our security partner which carries out checks on our behalf at St Pancras. We will also investigate the matter with the Department for Transport, who oversee our security operation, and specify the checks that need to be undertaken.’

The Transport Department said the UK had ‘one of the strictest transport security regimes in the world’ and added: ‘This is kept under constant review in response to new or emerging threats, but we do not comment on specifics for obvious reasons.’
Cody Wilson, a 25-year-old law student at the University of Texas spent the last year designing the weapon. A self-styled libertarian, he argues that everyone should have access to guns, and said last week: ‘I recognise the tool might be used to harm other people .  .  . it’s a gun. But I don’t think that’s a reason not to do it.’
The US State Department last week rushed to ban the plastic firearm, but security sources fear the worst after the document was uploaded to file-sharing websites.
One user, DakotaSmith, wrote: ‘This is the first in what will be an avalanche of undetectable, untraceable, easy-to-manufacture weapons that will turn the tables on evil-doers the world over. Share and enjoy.’
Firearms experts advised The Mail on Sunday not to test whether the weapon would fire due to safety and legal concerns. But the lapse in security will shock travellers.
Chris Yates, an aviation security analyst, said: ‘If Eurostar security can be breached in this way, then so can airport security processes.
Authorities should be extremely worried. The obvious danger is that if you have the ability to print out a gun on a 3D printer from a blueprint downloaded online, then the probability is that a terrorist has that capability as well .  .  . which could have devastating consequences. They could potentially cause a problem at 38,000ft that would cause the aircraft to crash or be hijacked.’
Lord West added: ‘If you actually have to search people’s baggage and go through it all, travel becomes a misery and the terrorists, in a sense, have won. There has to be a balance.’ However, he said that more sophisticated scanners might be able to detect the 3D weapons.
All of the major parts of the model were made using a program which reads files that tell the printer how to create each component from layer upon layer of plastic.
The only other part of the gun is a 25mm metal piece, which acts as the firing pin, and can be purchased from any hardware store.
The pistol can only be fired once using a .38 calibre round before the plastic barrel has to be replaced.
The body of the gun was made in just a day with smaller parts taking only a matter of hours.
In order to comply with gun manufacturing regulations in the US, Mr Wilson purposely designed his weapon with a steel component in the handle to make it detectable.
But it is not essential, and the gun can still be fired without it.
The Home Office said: ‘The UK has some of the toughest gun laws in the world. Anyone wanting to manufacture or own a firearm, including one produced through 3D printing, would need a licence. Anyone manufacturing guns without a licence is liable to prosecution.’
The MoS, which carried out its investigations in the public interest, has now dismantled the gun.


The topic of this news is the creation of a weapon of fire with an 
3D printers  From my point of view this is very dangerous since it is a real weapon and happens unnoticed, this I could be very dangerous for the persons.

The end of stitches? Surgeons pioneer 'human welding' technique using lasers and gold

    The gold-based solder is wrapped in material that is elastic and can move with the body
    creates a 'liquid-tight' seal that could prevent harmful internal fluid leaks

Scientists have successfully tested a gold-based solder that can be welded onto surgical wounds using lasers.
The solder contains gold particles can form an elastic seal that moves with the body.
Scientists from the American Chemical Society have been testing the gold-based sealing material on pig intestines and believe it could replace traditional stitches and suture techniques.
Traditional methods for closing cuts and wounds use sterile stitches or sutures. When these methods are used on surgical wounds on organs they can sometimes rupture and lead to harmful internal fluid leaks. Scientists from the American Chemical Society have successfully tested a gold
based solder that can be welded onto wounds using lasers, and produces 'a liquid-tight, elastic' seal


Laser tissue welding (LTW) is a 'stitch-free' surgical method for connecting and sealing blood vessels, cartilage in joints, the liver, the urinary tract and other tissues.
LTW involves use of laser light to heat tissue, causing changes that enable the sides of cuts to seal.
LTW has advantages over sutures or staples, such as a shorter operation time and reduced scarring. 
However, traditional uses of the technique have formed weaker seals that can be a particular problem in intestinal surgery. 
Leaks of intestinal contents can cause painful and life-threatening abdominal infections.

They found that the technique produced a 'liquid-tight and elastic seal' and also improved operation times.
Plus the level of scarring, compared to stitches or staples, was reduced.
The technique used is called Laser Tissue Welding (LTW).
The scientists from the American Chemical Society wanted to find a way of developing an improved form of LTW that produces strong seals.
Kaushal Rege and his colleagues decided to use a tissue solder called a plasmonic nanocomposite.
Plasmonic nanocomposites is a material that contains gold nanorods.

Welding wounds together using lasers improves the healing time and reduces the chances of permanent scarring. This technique is called Laser Tissue Welding. Scientists have now found a gold-based solder that can produce even stronger seals than traditional LTW
Gold nanorods are wrapped inside a material that makes it more elastic.
This means the seal can move with the body and this reduces the chance of the seal splitting or rupturing.
The scientists found that when the material was used as a light-activated solder for laser-welding cuts in pig intestines, it formed a strong, 'liquid-tight' but elastic seal.
This prevents harmful bacteria from leaking out.
Rege said: 'Taken together, these plasmonic nanocomposites are exciting materials for laser-based tissue repair.
The researchers plan to investigate these materials further in animals with intestinal injury to see if they can be a viable replacement for stitches in certain cases.


The topic of this news is the development of a new method of closing wound with a laser. From my point of view it is a great advance in the medicine since it has many advantages on the traditional method, for example the time of operation is more short.

Earl: World’s First Solar-Powered Backcountry Survival Tablet

Jon Perry says his inspiration behind making a tough, reliable and rugged expedition gadget came from his long-time outdoorsy companion – his dog Earl. Now the world’s first backcountry survival tablet, also named Earl, is in development and asking for some crowdsourcing support.
Through June 9, you can be a project backer and reserve your own unit for just $249, 30 percent below the expected retail cost. Unit production is on track to begin in July, according to a post on the project website.
Earl is solar-powered, features a 6″ flexible Amazon Kindle-looking E-ink touch screen and is water/dust/shock/mud-proof. The tablet runs a version of Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and keeps you connected while braving the wild with GPS onboard, FRS, GMRS and MURS two-way radio connectivity for up to 20 miles, and a built in AM/FM/SW/LW radio tuner.
The device can reach full charge on five hours of sunlight and that’s enough power for 20 hours of operation. Other mountain man features are “glove friendly” touch, gyroscope motion controls and the ability to measure temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.
The project site says Earl is compatible with thousands of already available Android apps and the device also supports EPUB, MOBI and PDF e-reader formats.
Earl should be in backers’ hands “by the end of the Summer.”


In this news we see Jon Perry's work that to obtained to construct a tablet that works with solar power. From my point of view the use of this this tablet destined to the survival.

They develop a new type of wheat

Scientists have developed a new type of wheat for that they wait could increase the production in almost a third. Investigators of Cambridge, United Kingdom, have combined an ancestor of the wheat with a more modern variety to elaborate a new vine-stock that has produced a better crop in the initial tests. The new variety of wheat, which is not genetically modified, will be an object of tests for five years to verify if it is possible to put to commercial availability of the farmers.

The tests on the new wheat will extend for at least five years.


In this news we see that the scientists of Cambridge have developed a new type of wheat for that they wait could increase the production in almost a third. From my point of serious very important view for the supply of the human population.

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